Staten Island – New York
Categories: New YorkOm man åker 1:ans tunnelbana till South Ferry, Lower Manhattan, kan man ta gratis-färjan över till Staten Island. Ön i sig är inget speciellt, men på färjeturen ser du bl.a Frihetsgudinnan och Ellis Island. När du anländer till Staten Island, köp lite fika/mat på terminalen, finns inga bra ställen vid hamnen, och ta en promenad, man får en härlig vy över Manhattan Skyline.
Färjan går ca. en gång i halvtimman. Skräms inte av alla människor som vill med, färjan sväljer hur många som helst.
När man kommer tillbaka till Manhattan är det bara att strosa vidare runt hamnen i Battery Park, jättefint! Och sen börja gå Broadway norrut. Då passerar man den berömda Tjuren, som uppfördes efter börskraschen 1987. Den ska symbolisera finansiell aggressivitet, framåtanda samt visa USAs ekonomiska möjligheter…..Och på gatan in till höger om statyn ligger Wall Street.
Orkar man sen gå ytterligare 20 min norrut på Broadway kommar man till China Town, Little Italy och SoHo.
Orkar man sen gå ytterligare 20 min norrut på Broadway kommar man till China Town, Little Italy och SoHo.
If you go with subway no 1 to South Ferry, Lower Manhattan, you can take the free-ferry over to Staten Island. The Island itself is nothing special, but on the way over you get the view of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. And when you arrive to Staten Island, grab some food at the terminal, there’s no decent places at the marina. Take a little walk and get a really nice view over Manhattan Skyline.
If you go with subway no 1 to South Ferry, Lower Manhattan, you can take the free-ferry over to Staten Island. The Island itself is nothing special, but on the way over you get the view of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. And when you arrive to Staten Island, grab some food at the terminal, there’s no decent places at the marina. Take a little walk and get a really nice view over Manhattan Skyline.
The ferry runs every half hour. Don’t be afraid of all the people that want to tag along, the ferry takes so many people it can fit.
When you get back to Manhattan, just stroll around the marina at Battery Park, really nice! And if you still got energy, walk north on Broadway, you will pass the famous Bull close to Wall Street, it was created after the stock crash 1987. It’s suppose to symbolize financial aggression, ambition and show the US economic opportunities.
When you get back to Manhattan, just stroll around the marina at Battery Park, really nice! And if you still got energy, walk north on Broadway, you will pass the famous Bull close to Wall Street, it was created after the stock crash 1987. It’s suppose to symbolize financial aggression, ambition and show the US economic opportunities.
Back on Manhattan.