Currently in Gothenburg

Gothenburg – The sun has arrived

Categories: My Style

Äntligen sol!
Är det något vi är bra på i Sverige så är det ju att prata väder, hur står man egentligen ut? Så en dag
som denna vill man bara ta av sig kappan, på med mina absoluta favorit assessorer; lätta skor och solglasögon 🙂

Oh, how I need the sun – Please don’t go away!

Finally, the sun is shining! I mean here in Sweden the weather is such a dear subject, we live in a country that really is lacking both warmth and sun. So a day like this, when you actually realize that spring is approaching, you just want to take your coat off and sunglasses on.


I was wearing:
Jeans – Filippa K
Angora cardigan and necklace – H&M
Sunglasses – Balenciaga
Shoes – Matisse