American Breakfast
Categories: AtlantaÄr man i USA måste man ju äta en riktig Brunch. Stekta ägg, äggröra, omelett, potatiskaka (hash browns), bacon, korv, toast – You name it!
Sist men inte minst, och detta är ett måste: American Pancakes, serveras med varm lönn sirap. Muums! Och är man i Södern dricker man Iced Sweet Tea till maten.
If you are in the States, you have to eat a real Brunch. Scrambled eggs, fried eggs, sunny side up, omelet, hash browns, bacon, sausage, toast – You name it!
Last but not least you have to eat American Pancakes, served with warm maple syrup. Yummy!
Breakfast at Waffle House
Brunch at Cracker Barrel
Sebastian and Zach playing chess
Papa Don and Alex
If you’ve seen movies from the Southern, you recognize these typical rocking chairs.
The famous movie Gone with Wind with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O’Hara, takes place here in
Atlanta, Georgia.
The famous movie Gone with Wind with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O’Hara, takes place here in
Atlanta, Georgia.
Cousin Jacob
A good American breakfast makes you happy!